Ryan Kahlo, PWS
Senior Ecologist
Ryan is a Professional Wetland Scientist who brings a diverse experience in critical areas assessment and management. Ryan’s skill set allows him to provide wetland- and stream-related skills to all phases of project development, including delineation studies, restoration/mitigation design and monitoring, environmental permitting support, Biological Evaluations for ESA compliance, and fish exclusion/removal for in-water construction projects.
Outside of DCG/Watershed When out of the office, Ryan likes to enjoy the music, food, and culture that the great city of Seattle provides. Ryan and his family also likes to spend as much time outdoors as possible, whether at local parks and beaches or camping, hiking, and kayaking throughout the Northwest.
Certificate, Wetland Science and Management, University of Washington, 2008
BA, Anthropology, Northern Arizona University, 2004
Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS), Society of Wetland Scientists